The romantic relationship between Liverpool’s Luis Suarez and Man United’s Patrice Evra took another bizarre turn over the weekend when the two met in the pre-match handshake routine.
Suarez decided he would do something sweet just in time for Valentines Day and play hard to get by not shaking the hand of Evra.
Those two should just bone and get it over with.
Suarez has since he’s sorry, but not to Evra.
“Liverpool’s Uruguayan striker — banned for eight games after he racially abused Man United’s Patrice Evra in a match four months ago — admitted his rebuff to him as the teams met again was “wrong”.
But in a public statement that appeared on the club’s website he made no direct apology to Evra, 30 — saying it was only after speaking to Kop boss Kenny Dalglish that he realised he should have acted differently.” [Sun]
Love is in the air.
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